
  • 姓名:邹德堂
  • 性别:
  • 职称:教授
  • 硕、博导:博士生导师
  • 学科领域:作物遗传育种
  • 研究方向:水稻遗传育种水稻生物技术
  • 办公地点:主楼643室
  • 办公电话:0451-55191259、0451-55190292
  • 电子邮件:zoudt@163.com




























1.Li N, Zheng H, Cui J, et al. Genome-wide association study and candidate gene analysis of alkalinity tolerance in japonica rice germplasm at the seedling stage[J]. Rice, 2019, 12(1): 24.

2.Li J, Zhang M, Sun J, et al. Genome-Wide Characterization and Identification of Trihelix Transcription Factor and Expression Profiling in Response to Abiotic Stresses in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) [J]. International journal of molecular sciences, 2019, 20(2): 251.

3.Sun J, Yang L, Wang J, et al. Identification of a cold-tolerant locus in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using bulked segregant analysis with a next-generation sequencing strategy[J]. Rice, 2018, 11(1): 24.

4.Yang L, Wang J, Lei L, et al. QTL mapping for heading date, leaf area and chlorophyll content under cold and drought stress in two related recombinant inbred line populations (Japonica rice) and meta‐analysis[J]. Plant breeding, 2018, 137(4): 527-545.

5.Yang L M, Liu H L, Lei L, et al. Identification of QTLs controlling low-temperature germinability and cold tolerance at the seedling stage in rice (Oryza Sativa L.) [J]. Euphytica, 2018, 214(1): 13.

6.Lei L, Zheng H L, Wang J G, et al. Genetic dissection of rice (Oryza sativa L.) tiller, plant height, and grain yield based on QTL mapping and metaanalysis[J]. Euphytica, 2018, 214(7): 109.

7.Li N, Liu H, Sun J, et al. Transcriptome analysis of two contrasting rice cultivars during alkaline stress[J]. Scientific reports, 2018, 8(1): 9586.

8.Li N, Sun J, Wang J, et al. QTL analysis for alkaline tolerance of rice and verification of a major QTL[J]. Plant breeding, 2017, 136(6): 881-891.

9.Wang J, Gang S, Yang L, et al. Markers Associated with Culm Length and Elongated Internode Length in Japonica Rice[J]. Crop Science, 2017, 57(5): 2329-2344.

10.Xu T Y, Sun J, Chang H L, et al. QTL mapping for anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin content in red rice[J]. Euphytica, 2017, 213(11): 243.

11.Yang L M, Zhao H W, Wang J G, et al. Genomic dissection of rice yield traits under low temperature across multi-environments[J]. Euphytica, 2017, 213(7): 134.

12.Zhang W, Sun J, Zhao G, et al. Association analysis of the glutelin synthesis genes GluA and GluB1 in a Japonica rice collection[J]. Molecular Breeding, 2017, 37(10): 129.

13.Guo L, Zhao H, Wang J, et al. Dissection of QTL alleles for blast resistance based on linkage and linkage disequilibrium mapping in japonica rice seedlings[J]. Australasian Plant Pathology, 2016, 45(2): 209-218.

14.WANG J, Jian S U N, LI C, et al. Genetic dissection of the developmental behavior of plant height in rice under different water supply conditions[J]. Journal of integrative agriculture, 2016, 15(12): 2688-2702.

15.Zheng H, Zhao H, Liu H, et al. QTL analysis of Na+ and K+ concentrations in shoots and roots under NaCl stress based on linkage and association analysis in japonica rice[J]. Euphytica, 2015, 201(1): 109-121.

16.Zheng H, Wang J, Zhao H, et al. Genetic structure, linkage disequilibrium and association mapping of salt tolerance in japonica rice germplasm at the seedling stage[J]. Molecular breeding, 2015, 35(7): 152.

17.Guo L, Guo W, Zhao H, et al. Association mapping and resistant alleles’ analysis for japonica rice blast resistance[J]. Plant Breeding, 2015, 134(6): 646-652.

18.Sun J, Zou D T, Luan F S, et al. Dynamic QTL analysis of the Na+ content, K+ content, and Na+/K+ ratio in rice roots during the field growth under salt stress[J]. Biologia plantarum, 2014, 58(4): 689-696.

19.Wang J, Jiang T, Zou D, et al. Genetic diversity and genetic relationships of japonica rice varieties in Northeast Asia based on SSR markers[J]. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2014, 28(2): 230-237.

20.Wang J, Zou D, Zheng H, et al. Genetic relationships between plant height and its components in japonica rice[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2014, 106(4): 1379-1388.

21.Xing W, Zhao H, Zou D. Detection of main-effect and epistatic QTL for yield-related traits in rice under drought stress and normal conditions[J]. Canadian journal of plant science, 2014, 94(4): 633-641.

22.Sun J, Xie D W, Zhao H W, et al. Genome-wide identification of the class III aminotransferase gene family in rice and expression analysis under abiotic stress[J]. Genes & Genomics, 2013, 35(5): 597-608.






2013年“优质超级稻综合生产技术研究与示范”荣获黑龙江省科技进步二等奖,2016年优质高产多抗“东农”系列水稻新品种的选育与推广,荣获黑龙江省科技进步二等奖,2010年“寒地水稻高产优质技术研究与示范” 荣获黑龙江省科技进步二等奖。荣获农业部“全国农业科技推广先进个人”、农业推广硕士教育先进个人、黑龙江省总工会“三大工程”创新能手标兵、黑龙江省“五一”劳动奖章、全省“八大经济区、十大工程建设”竞赛先进个人以及全省粮食生产先进科技工作者等称号。